1. Headings
Since the project was last graded I have transfered my headings to the style.css page and use them more frequently now
2. Formatting
I cleaned up the code and decided that I was using way too many break tags so I put my text into more paragraphs and cleaned up my indents, e.t.c
3. Images
A while ago my images of corona beer in the index.html page broke. I
found that this was because it was an external link that was most likely
changed, so I downloaded an image and uploaded it to assets and that was
the problem solved.
4. Tables
I don't find much use for tables in sites but I did throw one in the
index.html homepage displaying the points for the red and blue team.
5. Lists
You can find an unordered list showing some of the best features of the
website in the index homepage, and you can see an example of an ordered
list at the top of this page
6. Multiple pages
I have plenty of links to other pages in this website, just take a look
at the navigation bar to your left.
7. Colour and design
I've written so many lines of code to change the colour of text and other stuff that I almost believe that "color" is the right way to spell the word. I have correctly linked my CSS to the style.css page.
8. Internal and external links
I have included links to other websites, such as at the top of the index
homepage to bring the user to the lords mobile site. I have also added
links to specific parts in a page, like the back to top button in the
index homepage.
9. User input
I have tossed in a few cool little user input things in the quizzes
page and at the bottom of the index page.
10. Independent learning
I learned how to make a side navigation bar just before we went into lockdown, I found out how to embed other sites or parts of sites in my page. I learned how to make a split page like the code wars join one, and how to make images transition.
I had hardly any comments a while ago so when it was pointed out to me I just spent a full hour or something adding comments.
12. Submitted
Yeah, I submitted it.